Diabetes Mellitus Completus

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Do you treat patients with type 2 diabetes in your practice?

Are you often overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you have to remember when it comes to diabetes management?

Are you an MD/PA/NP student and struggling to keep track of all the diabetes medications?

Are you a primary care resident trying to get more comfortable with managing diabetes?

Do you want to learn how to dose insulin for your patients with type 2 diabetes?

Having trouble keeping track of your “diabetes follow-up” visits in clinic?

If you answered YES to any of those questions…then this is for you.

The “All You Need To Know” guide to type 2 diabetes is finally here!

ALL the clinically relevant information you need to screen/treat/manage type 2 diabetes without any of the extra fluff. Everything you should know. In one PDF.

  • How do you screen for type 2 diabetes (T2DM)?

  • How do you diagnose T2DM?

  • What are the non-insulin therapies for T2DM?

  • What are the different forms of insulin and how do you manage them?

  • What are the complications of T2DM?

  • Everything you need to know about the hemoglobin A1c

  • How to conduct initial and follow-up T2DM visits

  • The role of statins, aspirin, and ACEi/ARB in T2DM

  • What is prediabetes?

  • And more

All at your fingertips! Say goodbye to UpToDate when it comes to T2DM.

“Diabetes Mellitus Completus” has you covered.

I want this!

A comprehensive 73-guide with all the information you need to appropriately screen/diagnose/manage type 2 diabetes in your day-to-day practice. Whether you are a pre-med/PA/NP student, a medical resident, or an MD/PA/NP primary care provider, this is all the diabetes information you wish you had in one place. You won’t need UpToDate for anything type 2 diabetes-related once you have this guide!

1.89 MB
73 pages
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Diabetes Mellitus Completus

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